Faculty Research with Undergraduates
jan 28, 2016

- Microbiology and molecular biology of extremophiles and not-so-extremophiles
- Ecosystem ecology
- Cellular energy
- Physical and fundamental chemistry
- Biomedical and medicinal chemistry
- Bioanalytical chemistry
- Atmospheric and environmental chemistry
- Solar energy and sustainability
- Medicinal and natural products chemistry
- Bio-analytical & microfluidics
- Environmental chemistry
- Nanoscience and LASER spectroscopy
- Inorganic chemistry and materials chemistry for energy applications
- Molecular-level mechanisms underlying biological phenomena
Earth and Environmental Science
- Geology and geochemistry
- Geochemistry
- Geophysics
- Hydrology
- Cave and Karst
- Seismology
- Geomicrobiology
- Global tectonics, interaction of orogenic belts and sedimentary basins, clastic depositional systems and processes, terrestrial paleoclimate records, and petroleum geology
- Paleohydrology, low-temperature geothermal systems, induced seismicity, hydrogeophysics, and numerical methods
- Hydrology, geophysics and rock mechanics
- Mineral redox chemistry
- Marine Hydrogeology, fault zone permeability, sedimentology/sediment physical properties
- Sedimentary basins, geodynamics, geophysics, landscapes
- Astrophysics
- Atmospheric physics
- Lightning research
- Climate and water
- Optical and IR interferometry, high resolution imaging, image reconstruction, high mass stars, and evolved stars
- Convection and planetary atmospheres, atmospheric physics, and geophysical fluid dynamics
- Tropical weather research
- Plasma physics
Chemical Engineering
- Photonics and plasmonics nanoresearch
- Surface science and biomimetics
- 3-d printed ceramic catalysts supports, Low coke catalyst supports, Biogas conversion to hydrogen, Aqueous phase reforming, Dry reforming, Woody biomass reductive pyrolysis, Plasma assisted catalyst synthesis, and Stratified catalysts for millisecond partial oxidation reactors
- Catalyst design for energy and environment, additive manufacturing, materials for low-power electronic and thermoelectric devices, anhydrous proton transport membranes, graphene as high chemical sensing platform, and sorbent materials
Civil Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering
- Position, navigation, and timing; actuator sensor networks; structural health monitoring, outdoor robotics, and applications of stochastic learning automata
- Ballistics of small arms; electrical properties of energetic materials; optical systems for interferometry, adaptive optics and lasers; optical thin films; probability of tossed coins landing on edge
- Astronomical Optical Interferometry methods and instrumentation, space plasma physics and space weather, and distributed Autonomous sensor networks
- Visible light communication and positioning, heterogeneous wireless network design and optimization, ultra-low-power communication in Internet-of-Things, machine learning in the next-generation wireless network, and 5G and microgrid security
Materials & Metallurgical Engineering
- Corrosion of metals and in metallurgical failure analysis
- Whisker Mitigation in Pb-free Sn Electroplating and magnetocaloric alloys based on non-stoichiometric Ni2MnGa alloys – MCE enhancements through thermomechanical texturing and elemental doping
- Curing Kinetics of Epoxies with Tertiary Amine Hardeners, physical Aging of Epoxies, and computer Simulation of glassy behavior of thin films
- Physics-based framework for alloy transformations and microstructure development, and deformation mechanisms in multiphase microstructures via crystallographically informed large-scale atomistic simulations
- Improvement of Ni-base superalloys used in commercial jet engine applications using first-principles calculations and CALculation of PHAse Diagrams (CALPHAD) modeling technique, first-principles calculations of self-, dilute, and non-dilute diffusion coefficients in fcc and bcc metals, and database development of Ni-base superalloy systems using the CALPHAD approach
- Aerosol deposition of ceramic films/coatings, new ion conducting ceramics for fuel cell and gas sensor electrolytes, nanocrystalline ceramics for dye sensitized solar cells, textured bulk and thin film ceramics, and layered perovskites as interphases in high temperature ceramic composites
- Geometric Analysis on Manifolds, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Gravity and Gauge Theories, and Differential Geometry
- Theory and application of Statistics and regression Diagnostics
- Numerical Methods for Solving Partial Differential Equations
Mechanical Engineering
- Space systems and structures, sensors and structural health monitoring, intelligent systems, structures, and mechanisms, and structural dynamics
- Shock and gas dynamics
- Visual and acoustics monitoring
- Autonomous flight and aquatic systems
- Innovative control of networked multi-agent systems
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering