Regents Minutes - August 2012
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Board of Regents

2:00 p.m., Friday, Aug. 3, 2012

Speare Building, Room 113

Socorro, New Mexico



The New Mexico Tech Board of Regents convened at 2:00 p.m., with Chairman Richard N. Carpenter presiding. Other Board members present were Regent Jerry Armijo, Regent Deborah Peacock, Regent Abe Silver, Jr. and Student Regent Omar Solimon. University administrators, staff, and guests who were also present included:

Daniel H. López

Peter Gerity
Thomas Engler

John Meason
Leyla Sedillo

Miguel Hidalgo
Melissa Jaramillo-Fleming
Greer Price
Mike Kloeppel
Lonnie Marquez

Van Romero

Mary Dezember

Lorie Liebrock
Robert Lee

Lala Garcia

Lisa Majkowski

Mark Adams
Kimella Miller

Bill Schattschneider

Thomas Guengerich

Valerie Kimble
$11.      Proof of Meeting Notice:  The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Board of Regents Chairman Carpenter after President López confirmed that proper notice for the meeting had been given.

$12.      Approval of Agenda: Regent Silver moved to approve the Agenda with the removal of Items 17 and 18, in that there was no need for an Executive Session. Regent Armijo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

$13.      Minutes for May 2012:  Regent Peacock moved to approve the Minutes of the May 11, 2012 meeting, followed by a second from Regent Armijo. The motion passed unanimously.


$14.      Announcements

Enrollment updates. SUR V.P. Jaramillo-Fleming reported close to 60 students on a waiting list for housing in traditional dorms for the 2012 fall semester. Aug. 17 is the final Campus Day, followed by orientation the following Saturday. Enrollment numbers are up slightly, and 85 percent of registered students are on the “paid” list, according to Admission Director Mike Kloeppel, adding that Hispanic student enrollment is up over last year. Mr. Kloeppel noted that for the first time ever, all registration took place online. Chairman Carpenter offered congratulations, noting that numbers for Native American students were lagging. In response to the challenge of fewer high school graduates in the pipeline, compounded by drop-out issues, the University is actively recruiting transfer students, including those from two-year schools.

Sabbatical Leave.  Academic Affairs V.P. Gerity reported that sabbatical leave had been approved for Dr. John Wilson, “a world-renowned scientist” and Professor of Geology with the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department. Professor Wilson will spend the 2013 spring semester working with other research universities; it is hoped these outreach efforts will benefit Tech in recruitment.

Other.  President López invited Board members to attend New Mexico Tech’s 2012 Convocation, the annual welcome ceremony for new students, at 4 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 20 at Macey Center.
$15.      Public Comment:  None.

$16.      Degree Conferrals for June and July, 2012:  Five degrees were conferred in June 2012, and seven degrees in July 2012, including one Bachelor of Science, eight Master’s of Science and three Ph.D’s.


$17.      Financial Analysis for June 2012:  Mr. Marquez reported that collected revenues were normal for this time of year, and I&G expenditures are within budget. Facilities Management expenses are higher than last year, when one-time ARRA funds were used for utility expenses.


$18.      Research and Public Service projects Funding Requests: President López recommended that the Board approve a $5.83 million state funding request for four projects – the Geophysical Research Center (GRC), N.M. Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Science Fair/Science Olympiad/Professional Development, and Cave and Karst. In part, funds would provide release time and academic support, especially for new faculty, and the geosciences/physics programs at Tech. Regent Armijo moved to accept the President’s recommendation for approval, followed by a second from Regent Silver. The motion passed unanimously. The request will be submitted to the Higher Education Department.


$19.      Capital Projects:  The President recommended the Board approve requests for three capital projects -- $6,000 in additional funds for the N.M. Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources facility; $3.0 million for the Magdalena Ridge Observatory; and $2.5 million for campus health and safety improvements. During discussion, Regent Armijo recommended that the proposed Wellness Center move from the fifth spot to the fourth on the University’s five-year facilities plan, while President López suggested increasing the request for MRO to $8.5 million. Regent Armijo then moved to approve the five-year facilities plan with the two amendments regarding the Wellness Center moving up one place on the capital projects’ priority list, and increasing the funding request for MRO. Regent Solimon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. As a result of this action, a new Chemical/Materials facility is now the fourth-ranked priority.


$110.  Request for Unrestricted Fund Purchase Exceeding $250,000 (Travel Services Multi-Year Agreements): Of the four bids submitted for travel services, one did not qualify; and although all bids were relatively close, services differed slightly, permitting the University to go with any of the three qualifying bidders depending on the trip or service required. Regent Solimon moved to accept a request for an unrestricted fund purchase in excess of $250,000 for the three qualifying companies – Monassas Travel, Paradise Travel and Rio Grande Travel – over a four-year period. Regent Armijo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

$111.  Property Items Resolution, Reference NMSA 1978, 13-6-1:  Mr. Marquez brought forward for approval four resolutions for the disposition of property, as required by the State Auditor:

$1§         120802-01 to remove obsolete items under $5,000;

$1§         120802-02 to remove obsolete items over $5,000;

$1§         120802-03 to remove damaged, stolen or cannibalized property and equipment; and

$1§         120802-04 to remove property resulting from cannibalization by Facilities Management for parts used in other applications. Regent Peacock moved to approve the four resolutions. Regent Solimon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

$112.  NM Department of Transportation Resolution. President López recommended that Regents pass a resolution to upgrade Foxtrot Roadon a 75 – 25 percent funding match with the State Department of Transportation. Of the total project cost of $94,325, New Mexico Tech’s share would be $23,581, while the state would pay $70,744. Regent Peacock moved to approve the resolution, followed by a second from Regent Solimon. The Board unanimously approved the motion.

$113.  Set 2012 – 2013 Meeting Calendar:  Executive Assistant Lala Garcia noted that the Agenda item was for informational purposes, and scheduled dates were flexible. Regents agreed to meet on Sept. 21, Oct. 19 and Nov. 16 (in Albuquerque) during 2012; and on Feb. 5 (in Santa Fe), March 28 and May 10, 2013. The April meeting will be on the 21st or 28th, and the Annual Retreat was scheduled for Aug. 1-2-3, 2013.

$114.  Individual Board Member Comments:  Regent Silver commented on the highly informational presentations, and commended the Office of Admission for “a tremendous job.” Regent Peacock noted that she also learned a lot from the behind-the-scenes campus tour. Regent Solimon gave a shout-out to Olympic Team USA. Regent Armijo noted that after his many years on the Board, he is still learning about the University, and offered his thanks for all the hard work. Chairman Carpenter first thanked Greer Price and spouse Sara for dinner the previous evening, before commenting on the campus landscaping and upkeep. He also thanked Ms. Garcia for her role in planning the two-day retreat, as well as President López and staff. For his part, the President said the presentations by the vice presidents and directors gave each an opportunity to see what the others are doing. Chairman Carpenter closed by saying that New Mexico Tech’s development plan is headed in the right direction, and noted the sizeable private donations garnered under the leadership of President López.


$115.  New Business:  None.

$116.  Employee Benefit Trust:  Members recessed as the Board of Regents and convened the meeting of the Benefit Trust at 3:04 p.m. Mr. Marquez reported that revenues are about the same and net claims are slightly down. President López noted that the University would like to join a larger insurance pool. The Benefit Trust adjourned and the Board of Regents reconvened at 3:12 p.m.

$117.  Removed

$118.  Removed.

$119.  Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 3:13 p.m. on a motion by Regent Solimon and seconded by Regent Armijo.