Resources for SAS students
Frequently Asked Questions by Students
Will I have the same accomodations that I had in High School?
I'm okay with telling SAS about my disability in order to recieve accommodations,
but I don't want anyone else to have that information. Is SAS going to share information
about my disability with my professors or anyone else at NMT?
If I set up accommodations through SAS, is my employer going to find out that I have
a disability? I might pursue a graduate degree later on; are the graduate schools
going to know that I recieved accommodations from SAS?
I have a learning disability and was last tested when I was a freshman in High School.
Do I need to get tested again?
On an occasional basis, it is impossible for me to attend class due to my disability.
Is there an accommodation for that?
What do I do if my classroom is not accessible?
Can I recieve accommodations for field trips, field experiences, practicums,etc.?
I need a Signed Language Interpreter. Where do I request interpreter services?
I'm nervous about talking to my professors. How should I approach them about my need
for accommodations?
I spoke with my professor during the first week of class about my accommodations,
and they said they will not allow me to use one of the accommodations in their class.
I really need to use this accommodations. What do I do?