Community Standards
A Guide to University Housing and On-Campus Living
Last modified: June 11, 2021
Mission Statement Committment to Diversity Department Objectives Department Office and Staff Residents’ Rights & Responsibilities Residential Services & Amenities Room & Board Policies Residential Life Policies & Procedures Appeal, Grievance, and Complaint ResolutionThe purpose of this document is to publish current policies and procedures affecting and regarding residential students and to provide general information about the Office or Residential Life and our residences. This document is supplementary to all other University policies and expectations, including those found within the most current Student Handbook as well as the NMT Graduate and Undergraduate Catalogs.
To enhance their academic success, deepen connections with our community, and experience New Mexico Tech to the fullest, Tech students are encouraged to live on campus in one of the University residence halls or apartments. Campus living provides opportunities for individual growth as well as community development in a supportive and engaging environment.
There are many conveniences and benefits to living at Tech including all-inclusive packaging of housing, utilities & other amenities; being close to classes, dining & campus events; and having the most opportunities to live and learn alongside other students. Tech does not require the residency of any student. While the University views on-campus living as optimal for most students, the decision to be a residential student is ultimately up to each individual. Making the choice to be a campus resident must come with the understanding that you have elected to be part of a community with many standards, policies as well as other expectations and guidelines all designed to benefit and protect the overall campus community.
New Mexico Tech offers a variety of housing options from traditional, double-occupancy bedrooms to apartment living, including townhouses for graduate students and residents with families. Additional information on all housing types and prices can be found on the NMT Residential Life website. Students who live in University housing must sign a room & board application and license agreement and undergraduate residents must carry a meal plan, unless they reside in family housing. Every residential area is supported by a live-in student staff of Resident Assistants who are supervised by full- time, live-in housing professionals.
Residential Life Mission Statement
Residential Life strives to complement the educational and service goals of New Mexico Tech by promoting personal growth and social awareness while enhancing student learning. Joining with students, we strive to create safe and supportive opportunities for the development of interpersonal and leadership skills in a residential environment.
Residential Life Commitment to Diversity
New Mexico Tech is committed to the policy that all persons shall have access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, physical or mental handicap or serious medical condition, spousal affiliation, gender identity, or veteran status. Residential Life is committed to establishing an inclusive residential environment that allows and encourages every member of the community to develop and grow to his/her fullest potential. It is important to truly respect and value the people we have the opportunity to live, work, and learn with. Accepting, appreciating, and valuing all others are the key components to a successful community. Therefore, we cannot and will not tolerate behavior by any community member that threatens another member’s ability to become fully immersed in the collegiate experience.
Residential Life Objectives
One of Tech’s most distinctive features is that it is a highly residential campus. Serving approximately 800 residential students, we endeavor to create a living-learning environment in our 6 residence halls and 3 student apartment complexes.
In practical terms, University residences provide housing for students, giving them easy access to classes and activities. In a broader sense, we aim to provide a continuous and positive link between the students’ academic life and out-of-classroom experiences. Living closely with others enables students to come into contact with people whose lifestyles and values may be similar or radically different from their own. Students define and redefine their own values while gaining an understanding of, and tolerance for, lifestyles and values that are often different from their own.
Our staff aims to provide an atmosphere where students can expand their experiences and begin to regulate their own lives with confidence in an environment of support and guidance. From the exchange of ideas and redefining of one’s own values, students can become empowered about their rights and the rights of others. Students learn the responsibility that comes with living in a community and are held accountable for their actions. We strive to help residents become responsive to the needs of the group and understand how they are affected by others and how others are affected by them. Increased interpersonal awareness and sensitivity fosters a sense of community and consequently a more challenging, healthy, and positive campus community.
Throughout campus, professional staff in counseling, Student Activities, the Student Health Center, dining services and Campus Police, among others, support Residential Life through learning opportunities outside the classroom. Resident Assistants are an integral part of the successful operation of the residence halls. The student staff is responsible for peer counseling, community building, crisis response, safety & security, and overall quality of life in our student residences. The staff helps students develop a sense of respect for self and others by involving students in educational and social programs.
Judicial response to student conduct is administered on an educational and progressive basis. Most violations of Residential Life Community Standards are addressed by the Residential Life Director who discusses the university’s expectations of a student as a member of an educational community. More serious violations of university policies are handled by the Dean of Students or Dean of Graduate Studies as well as Campus Police. Sanctions may include residence hall dismissal or university dismissal when students are found responsible for serious offenses. Students sign a housing license & agreement before accepting occupancy and are they expected to know and understand University rules and regulations.
Residential Life Office & Staff
Residential Life is centrally located on the 2nd floor of Joseph A. Fidel Student Services Center (Fidel) where each of our housing professionals has individual offices. During normal University business days, Residential Life is open between 8am and 5pm, Monday-Friday. You can contact us in person, by phone at 575.835.5900, or by email at residential_life@ nmt.edu. After-hours, an on-call housing professional can be reached for urgent matters by contacting the Campus Police Dispatcher at 575.835.5434. Residential Life is one of many operations within Auxiliary Services, a department of the Student Life division.
Director of Residential Life: Responsible for the overall management of University residences and staff, the director is accountable for the effective delivery of residential student services. Working with departments and campus administrators to maintain quality housing and residential communities, the director oversees the planning of building operations and improvements, the development of policy, programs and procedures, as well as assessment. The director manages the department’s operating budget and supervises professional and paraprofessional staff.
Assistant Director of Residential Life: Chiefly responsible for housing assignments and occupancy management, the assistant director supports the director in the development of initiatives that promote community development and improve the delivery of services to residential students. This includes assistance with the supervision of staff, providing overall direction for staff training and development, as well as overseeing areas of department compliance, record-keeping and best practices.
Residential Life Coordinators (RLCs): Responsible for fostering safe and supportive residential communities, RLCs are professional college administrators who live in University residences in order to provide optimal supervision, response and guidance to the community. RLCs directly supervise Residential Life’s student staff of Resident Assistants. Along with the director and assistant director, RLCs share in serving the campus as on-call administrators for after-hours/weekend emergencies and other issues that warrant professional response outside of normal business hours.
Residential Life Specialist: The Residential Life Office is organized by a full-time administrative specialist who processes housing applications and maintenance requests, among other forms and procedures. The specialist serves as the office’s primary telephone and e-mail receptionist and is available to answer general questions from students and parents. The specialist also helps the department with special projects and assists residents with standard requests such as door access renewal and providing verification of residency.
Resident Assistants (RAs): All University residence halls and apartments are staffed by Resident Assistants. RAs are trained paraprofessionals who live in residential communities alongside fellow students. RAs serve as a resident’s first contact for concerns and questions. RAs are upperclass students who apply and are selected by Residential Life to provide guidance and leadership to other residential students. RAs serve many different roles as:
- Peer counselors
- Resource people
- Mentors
- Educators
- Advocates
RAs spend a significant amount of time getting to know residents on an individual basis in addition to working to bring students together to create a positive community. RAs have not only experienced the day-to- day problems and anxieties that students may encounter, but they have been specially trained to help residents handle these issues. RAs are available to help students adapt to their living and learning environment. They provide peer guidance for many common issues students struggle with including time management, community living, and personal problems.
RAs also organize activities that give residents opportunities to meet and interact with others. We encourage residents to participate in programs and events on campus that will help them grow socially, academically and culturally. RAs are committed to helping residents achieve the best college experience by keeping them connected to positive and fun opportunities on campus and in the surrounding community.
RAs are bonafide staff members of the University and residents are expected to comply with any reasonable request of an RA. Resident Assistants are bound by the same rules and regulations as other students.
Residents’ Rights & Responsibilities
The success of student growth and community development in university residences depends on residents understanding different lifestyles and respecting the rights of others. To encourage communication and clarify expectations, Residential Life has developed the following list of Resident Rights and Responsibilities to help residents adjust to community living:
- Residents have the right to study and sleep without undue interference, noise or distractions.
- Residents have the responsibility to respect others’ personal property and privacy.
- Residents have the right to expect reasonable cooperation in the sharing of room/apartment space and items.
- Residents have the responsibility to keep their assigned rooms/apartments clean and sanitary.
- Residents have the right to live in a clean and safe environment.
- Residents have the responsibility to ask for and receive the consent of any roommates before hosting a guest.
- Residents have the right to have guests as permitted by roommates and in accordance with the Guest Policy.
- Residents have the responsibility to respect others’ interests and values.
- Residents have the right to be free from intimidation as well as physical and emotional harm.
- Residents have the responsibility to help keep our community safe and to promptly notify Residential Life and/or Campus Police staff of any serious violations, safety hazards or security risks they may observe or otherwise have knowledge of.
- Residents have the right to openly discuss any and all concerns or disagreements between roommates and neighbors and to involve Residential Life staff in such discussions.
Roommate/Suitemate Agreements
Residential Life provides forms for residents to help residents formalize agreements between roommates and suitemates. Often completed with the help of an RA, these agreements help ensure that the basic needs of everyone living together have been discussed. Students are encouraged to discuss mutual guidelines and preferences. Discussion topics may include: cleaning of living area, study time, noise levels, and guests. Completion of these forms is not mandatory but strongly encouraged to help ensure a harmonious living environment. RAs as well as professional staff are available to help residents facilitate an agreement.
Once signed by all residents involved, conditions of these agreements are considered binding. If agreed upon conditions are ignored, Residential Life may get involved to decide if a mandatory relocation or other judicial action may be in order.
Residential Services & Amenities
Campus dining is located on the first floor of Fidel. Food is available in the food court and Fire & Ice Coffee Shop throughout each day of the academic semester. All dining on campus is provided by Chartwells, a foodservices company contracted by the University.
Students must have their Student ID in order to use their meal plan for campus dining. When entering the dining area, students will give their ID to the dining staff who will verify the ID photo matches the person entering and then debit their meal account. If students do not have their ID, they will be required to return or pay cash. Students may use their available meals to treat others to campus meals.
Students are asked to be conscientious that wasting food, removing dishes from the dining room, and vandalizing dining property results in increased cost for everyone. Behavior that compromises the sanitation of the food service area and dining room will be addressed by food service management and/or Residential Life Staff.
Chartwells will make every effort to accommodate students’ health considerations. Whether they have special dietary needs or would like to get a to-go meal during illness, students are welcome to call Chartwells’ staff directly at 575-835-5111 to request special arrangements. Or, just visit the dining room and speak with a manager or supervisor.
Current information on meals and dining times may be found online at: www.dineoncampus.com/nmt. Complete information on meal plan types and choices may be found by clicking on the “Meal Plans & Dining” link available on main Residential Life webpage.
Internet service is available to all residential students in University residence halls and apartments via the Residential Computer Network (RCN). Technical support is available for setting up your desktop, laptops and other electronic devices. All residents must read the RCN Policies and students are required to comply with all related policies and guidelines published by Information Technology and Communications and the University. Detailed information can be found online at: http://www.nmt.edu/itc. For technical support, you may contact ITC by phone at 575-835-5437.
Laundry rooms are available for students living in all University residences other than Mountain Springs Apartments. No coins or electronic payment are necessary to use the provided washers and dryers. The washing machines are rated as High Efficiency and only High Efficiency “HE” detergent is permitted to be used. Machines should only be used for their intended purpose and according to any instructions posted in the laundry room. Residents may not use the washers to dye fabric or for any commercial purpose. Campus washers and dryers may only be used by students assigned to the residential area where the laundry facilities are located unless special permission is given by Residential Life in advance. Residents are not permitted to install washers or dryers in their bedrooms or apartments, this includes Mountain Springs whose residents can use a nearby, off-campus laundromat.
Tech’s Post Office is located on the first floor of Fidel. All NMT students can obtain a post office box to receive mail after submitting a post office box request at the post office. Mail is delivered to boxes Monday-Friday. If you receive a package, you will find a notice in your box. You must pick up all packages at the Post Office. All personal packages must be sent to your personal box and not to the Residential Life Office or your residence hall/apartment building. Any packages that require a physical address can be sent to you by adjusting the listing of your standard PO address as follows:
Your Name 801 Leroy Place #(Your Box Number) Socorro, NM 87801
Maintenance and Work Orders
When residents discover something in their University room or apartment is damaged or not working properly, they should contact Residential Life staff promptly. For non-urgent matters, residents should email any work order requests to: residential_life@nmt.edu. Upon receipt of the request, a resident assistant or other staff member will respond to the student’s room to take a look at the problem before forwarding the request to Facilities Management. If possible, residents should include a phone number in their work order request. Residents can expect to receive a response to their request within three business days.
For any issues requiring immediate attention, residents must telephone the Residential Life Office at 575.835.5900 or call Campus Police at 575.835.5434 during the weekend and afterhours. Facilities Management (FM) will respond promptly to maintenance emergencies (power outages, leaking water, etc.) regardless of the time of day.
Once a non-emergency work order is submitted to Facilities Management, residents should expect FM to respond within one to three business days. Work orders are generally addressed between the hours of 10am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. Allow sufficient time for non-emergency work orders request to be completed. If a request is not addressed within a few business days, please email Residential Life at Residential_Life@nmt.edu so our office can communicate directly with Facilities Maintenance.
In general, Facilities Management prefers to address work orders when a resident is available at their room/apartment. When residents are not there, FM employees are not expected to enter student rooms alone but may come in with other FM or Residential Life staff. Except in cases of emergency or by special request of the student or Residential Life, FM personnel will not enter family apartments unless a registered resident of the apartment is home. Family housing residents are encouraged to provide their contact information and availability when requesting maintenance. All residents are encouraged to communicate any privacy concerns or availability requests to the RA or staff person making a work order request on their behalf. FM personnel are courteous and will always take students’ preferences into consideration, but ultimately they have a responsibility to ensure University property is maintained and secure. If an employee responds to a work order and is turned away, a $50 refusal of service fee may be charged to the student’s account.
The University shall perform all maintenance to University residences and grounds, but the resident will be charged for maintenance due to his/her action or negligence except for that which is normal or routine and in conjunction therewith.
The University shall have the right through its agents and employees to enter Student rooms and apartments for the purpose of examining, inspecting and maintaining same. The Student shall maintain the property in a clean and sanitary fashion.
Oil Changes
Facilities Management has agreed to allow Tech residents use space by their garage in order for students to change engine oil. This provides residents a location to service their vehicles and discard old oil. Students are not permitted to use campus parking lots or any other unauthorized areas for changing oil or conducting automobile repairs. Please contact the Residential Life Office if you have questions.
There are no parking permits necessary for students or visitors to park their vehicles on campus. Motor vehicles illegally or improperly parked in handicapped spaces, fire lanes, or other no-parking/specially designated spaces are subject to being ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense. Drivers are responsible for cleaning up any mess left in the parking lot from their vehicle (mud, oil, litter, etc). Desert Willow Apartments have designated spots and residents are expected to park only in spots marked for their registered unit. As part of Torres Hall’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification, a portion of the Torres parking lot has spaces designated exclusively for low-emissions vehicles.
Wired telephone service is not readily available in University residences. If you wish to have a wired telephone in your room to make local or long distance calls, you may contact ITC (Information Technology and Communications) by email at ITCWorkorder@nmt.edu or by phone at 575-835-5437 to request installation and activation of telephone service. In some campus buildings, including on the first floor of Fidel, landlines are available to reach Campus Police or other University extensions.
Room & Board Policies
In order to be eligible for University housing, a student must be enrolled in a degree program by the University at all times, with no less than 12 credit hours per semester for undergraduate students and no less than nine credit hours for graduate students per semester during both fall and spring semesters and the student must demonstrate reasonable progress toward the pursuit of a degree. Exceptions Residential Life will allow to these general eligibility requirements include: allowing undergraduate students living in family housing to take only nine credit hours per semester; allowing residential students with approved University Intent To Graduate forms permission to take any number of credits during their final semester of enrollment; and honoring disability waiver forms from the University’s Office of Counseling and Disabilities for residential students authorized to take less than 12 credits per semester.
All students living in University housing must demonstrate reasonable progress toward the pursuit of a degree. Students dropping below the minimum requirements risk termination of their housing license agreement which would require them to vacate their room or apartment without refund of room and board.
Students eligible for family housing must be of legal familial relation to any additional occupants who would reside with them in University housing. Supporting documentation (i.e. marriage license, birth certificate) must be furnished upon request. If legal familial status changes between the Student and any other occupant of his/her assigned University apartment, the Student is responsible to notify the Office of Residential Life promptly concerning continued occupancy. Exceptions to these eligibility requirements may be granted by Residential Life in its sole and absolute discretion and the University reserves the right to house non-students in its facilities as space permits.
Academic Suspension Policy
- Residential Life will hold the Fall room reservation for any residential student who
is academically suspended if the student submits a request for an academic appeal
with the Registrar's office by July 1st.
- For Summer room reservations, any academic appeal must be filed with the Registrar by June 1st.
- For Spring room reservations, any academic appeal must be filed with the Registrar by December 31st.
- If the student does not file an academic appeal by July 1st (or June 1st for summer term; or by December 31st for the spring term), the student’s room & board license agreement may be automatically cancelled.
- All regular housing cancellation fees and deadlines apply to academically suspended
students except for those who submit an academic appeal with the Registrar and notify
Residential Life before the deadlines stated in this policy.
- If the student’s appeal is ultimately denied, the cancellation fee will be waived if all other conditions stated in this policy have been met.
- If a student is living on campus or is authorized to have belongings in a University residence while the student awaits review of his/her academic appeal and that appeal is ultimately denied, the student will have 24 hours after the denial decision is issued to vacate campus housing and properly checkout with Residential Life staff; the student must first contact Residential Life to schedule the checkout.
- If an academically suspended student is living on campus or is authorized to have
belongings in a University residence and does not file an appeal by the deadlines
stated in this policy, the student must contact Residential Life promptly to schedule
a proper checkout.
- Residential students who do not file an academic appeal must vacate University rooms/apartments no later than one week before the first day of classes for the upcoming semester unless special authorization has been obtained in writing from Residential Life.
- Residential students who do not communicate or cooperate with Residential Life regarding checkout dates and instructions appropriate to their academic suspension status may be charged for cleaning and/or storage at the discretion of Residential Life.
Board (Meal Plan) Policy
- All undergraduate residential students, other than those assigned to family housing, must purchase a meal plan. In compliance with the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, some exceptions to the meal plan requirement are granted to residents with waivers as issued by the University’s Counseling & Disability Services Office.
- Meal service begins no later than breakfast on the first day of classes and ends no sooner than lunch on the final day of scheduled exams for both fall and spring semesters. Meal service also ends with the noon meal on the day prior to the beginning of Thanksgiving and Spring Vacation. There is no refund for unused meals at the end of each term. No meals will be served during Spring and Thanksgiving breaks.
- The lowest number of meals a resident can carry varies by whether he/she will be living in the residence halls or student apartments. If a student does not request a meal plan in the Residential Life Room & Board Application & License Agreement or the meal plan a student has requested or is carrying does not qualify as suitable for their assigned residential area, Residential Life may automatically assign an appropriate meal plan; generally the lowest meal plan allowed for the student’s residential area would be assigned according to plans and pricing found on the current Housing & Meals Rates Sheet.
- It is the responsibility of each residential student to verify any meal plan charges are correct by reviewing his/her student account during the first week of classes for the applicable semester. Meal plan refunds or changes may not be authorized for students who report plan or billing errors after the first week of classes.
- Meal Plan changes (from one plan type to another) may be authorized if requested before 5pm on the third day of classes for the applicable semester.
- Meal Plans will be automatically cancelled when housing cancellations are processed unless a student expressly requests a meal plan in writing by emailing Residential Life.
- Meal Plans will be automatically cancelled when a student withdraws or otherwise leaves New Mexico Tech. Pro-rated refunds may be granted depending on the circumstances of the student’s departure. However, the University is not obligated to provide any meal plan refunds after classes begin and the Office of Residential Life has full and final authority to decide when refunds may be issued. Refunds cannot be issued for the 25 Meal Plan.
Housing Cancellation Policy
- Students entering University housing for the proceeding semester may cancel their Room & Board Application and License Agreement without financial penalty by June 1 (for the proceeding fall term), December 1 (for the proceeding spring term) and May 1 (for the proceeding summer term).
- Between above dates and Opening Day for those respective terms, the student will be charged a $400 fee for breaking the Agreement/ not checking in by the first day of classes.
- Room cancellations made after the first day of classes are not eligible for refund of room or board. Fall semester residents who request cancellation of their room & board for the following Spring semester will still be charged for room & board if they remain enrolled at the University.
- Term dates are available on the current Residential Life Rates Sheet. [which may be found online at: www.nmt.edu/reslife]
- Cancellations must be in writing. No cancellations will be accepted over the phone. Students with extenuating circumstances for canceling the Agreement may request a waiver of the cancellation fee and/or room & board charges by submitting a written waiver request to Residential Life. The request will be reviewed by a committee.
Residential Life Room & Board Application and License Agreement
Further terms and conditions of eligibility and residency are detailed within the Residential Life Room & Board Application and License Agreement. This document is available in the Residential Life Office and can also be reviewed by clicking on the “Housing & Meals Application” link available on the main Residential Life webpage.
Residential Life Policies & Procedures
University Housing policies are designed to help create a safe and appropriate living environment for all students. Residents and their guests are expected to abide by the policies and residents are responsible for understanding the policies established by Residential Life and the University. Students are expected to actively participate in keeping our campus community safe. Every resident is responsible for their actions and those of their guests. Residents and guests must comply with the directives of university personnel, including housing staff, Campus Police, and community emergency personnel while on campus. If you have any questions about policies or procedures, please contact Residential Life staff.
Access & Security
Responsibilities of Key/ Keycard Holders
All keys and keycards (Student ID cards or temporary cards encoded for door access) are to be used safely and responsibly. Residents are not permitted to duplicate keys or give their ID/keycard or room key to any other unauthorized individuals. All keys must be surrendered at time of check-out.
Students living in residence halls with main entry or exit doors are not allowed to prop the doors or allow entry to anyone who is not their escorted guest or a resident of the building. Main doors in enclosed residence halls are locked 24 hours a day for residents' safety and security. Residents are expected to secure or report any unsecured doors. Residents who allow others to gain access to student residences may be removed from University housing immediately.
Room Access
Main entry doors (except those at Mountain Springs Apartments) in student residences are equipped with card access locks. These locks read the information stored on the magnetic strip of students’ ID cards. There are four possible sequences of lights that will occur after a card is inserted and removed from a reader:
- Green light – the card has been accepted and the door is now unlocked.
- Double green light – the door is unlocked until the card is dipped in the reader twice. This feature is available only on some individual bedroom doors inside student apartments.
- Green light and flashing Red light – The batteries in the lock are running low and need to be changed. Be sure to contact your RA as soon as possible so they can submit a work order.
- Red and Green light – The card is expired; you need to have it updated as the door will not unlock.
- Red light – You don’t have permission to access this room.
Expiration dates
Your room access will be active from the day you get your card encoded at the Residential Life office until noon on the Saturday after finals. Apartment residents who are authorized to stay in University Housing between semesters may come by the office during finals week to get their access extended.
Lock Outs
If you are locked out of your room between 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday, you should try to find an RA to assist you. (Please try knocking on all RA doors in your residence hall or apartment area.) If no RAs are available, please go to the Residential Life Office, 2nd Floor Fidel, to request a temporary key/keycard.
After hours (5pm-8am) and throughout the weekend, you should contact Campus Police at 575.835.5434 to reach the Resident Assistant on Duty to help you. Your RA may not be the staff member on duty and therefore may not be nearby.
Residential Life staff keeps a record of room access given to locked-out residents. If you are locked out, you should be asked to sign a room access request form. These records are kept at Residential Life. After the first week of classes, if a resident has been assisted with more than two lock outs, the student’s account will be charged $15 for the third room access and $5 for any other lock outs our staff assists the student with during the semester.
Lost ID/Keycard
If you lose your ID/keycard, be sure to come to the Residential Life office immediately to get a temporary keycard. (After hours, please contact Campus Police for assistance.) Any temporary keycard will only work until noon the next business day. If you cannot find your ID within 24 hours, you will need to go to the Registrar’s Office and purchase a new ID and then have it encoded for door access at Residential Life Office as soon as possible. As soon as a replacement keycard is used to access a door, the old keycard will no longer work.
Lost Key (Mountain Springs Residents Only)
If you lose your key please come to the Auxillary Services Office immediately. (After hours, please contact Campus Police for assistance). A spare key can be issued to you. If you have any roommates, you are required to make every reasonable attempt to notify them of your lost key as soon as possible. If you cannot find your original key within 24 hours, your lock will be replaced and new access keys will be made and $100 will be charged to your student account. Please note that residents are always charged for a lock change when they do not have a key to return at check out; so there is no benefit to postpone the reporting of a lost key. For your safety and the safety of others living with you; always report missing keys promptly.
Accommodations for Residents with Disabilities
Residential Life recognizes the importance of providing reasonable accommodations and modifications in its housing policies and practices where necessary for individuals with disabilities to use and enjoy University housing. In compliance with Federal civil rights laws for persons with disabilities, including the Americans with Disabilities Act; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and related U.S. Department of Education guidance; as well as the Fair Housing Act and related government guidance, New Mexico Tech provides reasonable housing accommodations and modifications for residential students with disabilities.
Guidelines and information for reasonable accommodation requests related to University housing at New Mexico Tech:
The University’s Office of Counseling and Disability Services (OCDS) is responsible for evaluating students’ requests for reasonable accommodations at New Mexico Tech, including in University housing. In evaluating a reasonable accommodation request of an individual living or seeking to live in University housing, OCDS may consult with Residential Life (the Office of Residential Life & Conference Services), and the University’s ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, as necessary, to determine whether the requested accommodation is necessary and reasonable.
Standard reasonable accommodations for students living in University housing at New Mexico Tech include, but are not limited to: exemptions from residential meal plan requirements, less-than-full-time enrollment waivers from standard residency requirements, single bedroom/accessible bedroom assignments, kitchen-availability assignments, emergency strobe alarms, and authorization to live with assistance animals.
Individuals with disabilities who reside or intend to reside in University housing who believe they need a reasonable accommodation should contact the Office of Counseling and Disability Services (by telephone at 575.835.6619, by email at counseling@nmt.edu, or in person on the ground level, northwest corner of the Joseph A. Fidel Student Services Center.
An individual seeking an accommodation at New Mexico Tech should contact OCDS as soon as practicably possible. The University will consider requests for reasonable accommodation in University housing at any time. However, if the request for accommodation is made fewer than 60 days before the individual intends to move into University housing, the University cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet the individual’s accommodation needs during the first semester or term of occupancy. Accommodations that require certain room types, such as ADA-accessible bathrooms, are also dependent on space availability. If a need for an accommodation arises when an individual already resides in University housing, he/she should contact OCDS as soon as practicably possible.
When considering reasonable accommodation requests for housing, the University will seek only the information necessary to verify whether the individual making the request has a disability and/or to evaluate if the reasonable accommodation is necessary to provide the individual an equal opportunity to use and enjoy University housing. However, students are welcomed to share additional information with OCDS so staff may be best informed to meet their needs.
Obvious Disability: If the individual's disability and the necessity for the accommodation are obvious (e.g. an individual with a physical disability using a wheelchair needs an accessible room), the individual need only explain what type of accommodation he/she is requesting. No verification of disability and/or necessity is required under these circumstances.
Non-Obvious Disability/Necessity: If the disability is obvious but the need for the accommodation is not obvious (e.g. an individual with a vision impairment requests a meal plan waiver), the University may require the individual to designate a reliable third party who can verify that the requested accommodation is necessary to provide the individual an equal opportunity to use and enjoy University housing. If both the disability and necessity for the accommodation are not obvious, the University may require the individual to designate a reliable third party who can verify that the individual has a disability and that the requested accommodation is necessary to provide the individual an equal opportunity to use and enjoy university housing. A reliable third-party includes, but is not limited to, a doctor or other medical professional or a non- medical service agency (e.g., Division of Vocational Rehabilitation) who is familiar with the individual's disability and the necessity for the requested accommodation.
The individual making the request for an accommodation in University housing must cooperate with OCDS in a timely manner in providing all information needed to determine whether the requested accommodation is necessary. OCDS may consult with Residential Life to determine if the requested housing accommodation is reasonable.
Approval of Accommodation: If OCDS determines a requested accommodation is appropriate, it will contact the individual seeking the accommodation to discuss implementation of the accommodation. A written document outlining any validated housing accommodations will then be produced by OCDS to be forwarded to Residential Life. Residential Life will keep this documentation – known as a “University Housing Accommodation Form” – in the residential student’s individual file at Residential Life. Unless an exceptional situation arises and/or unless there are circumstances outside the control of Residential Life, the office will honor the approved accommodations for residential students per the dates specified by OCDS on the University Housing Accommodation Form (dates of approved accommodation are usually defined by semester and academic year).
Denial of Accommodation/ Opportunity for Appeal: An accommodation may be found unreasonable if it: (1) imposes an undue financial and/or administrative burden; (2) fundamentally alters University housing policies; (3) poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others or would cause substantial property damage to the property of others, including University property; and/or (4) is otherwise unreasonable to the operation of the University.
If OCDS determines a requested housing accommodation is necessary but unreasonable, OCDS will contact the individual to determine if there are alternative accommodations that might effectively meet the individual’s disability-related needs. If the individual is unwilling to accept any alternative accommodation offered by OCDS or there are no alternative accommodations available, OCDS will provide the reasons for the denial to the individual. A student may appeal any denial of accommodation with the University’s Section 504 Compliance Officer. If the appeal is denied, the University’s Section 504 Compliance Officer shall provide written notification of the denial to the individual along with a written explanation of the reasons for the denial.
The University will not retaliate against any individual because that individual has requested, received, or been denied an accommodation in University housing.
Confidentiality & Recordkeeping: In processing requests for reasonable accommodations, the University will take all steps required by federal, state, and/or local law to protect the confidentiality of any information or documentation disclosed in connection with the requests. Such measures may include limiting access to such information to individuals specifically designated to determine and implement requests for reasonable accommodations, who will disclose the information only to the extent necessary to determine whether to grant the request, determine if the request is unreasonable, and implement any request granted, keeping all written requests and accompanying documentation in a secure area to which only those designated individuals have access, except as otherwise required by law.
Persons of legal age (21 or older) are permitted to possess and consume alcoholic beverages inside University apartments and residence halls (except Baca Hall which is a substance-free residence) under the following conditions:
- The door and blinds to the bedroom/apartment are closed whenever alcohol is visible.
- Residents or guests may not cause any disturbance or concern to others in the community.
- All persons present must have on their person a legitimate means of picture and age identification.
- The number of people in the bedroom/apartment may never violate Fire Safety or Guest policies.
- Everyone present in the bedroom or apartment where alcohol is available must be at least 21 years of age (regardless of who may or may not be consuming).*
*Residents living in family housing with children under their legal guardianship are permitted to keep alcoholic beverages in their apartments and may consume alcohol at their discretion as long as they are abiding by all other State laws and University policies and do not serve or provide access to alcohol for anyone under 21 years of age regardless of relation.
- Students and guests must always abide by all New Mexico State laws and all University policies & guidelines regarding the purchase, possession, transportation and consumption of controlled alcohol- containing beverages.
Devices designed for rapid consumption of alcohol are prohibited and subject to confiscation regardless of the age of the owner. Kegs and other common source containers are prohibited. Behavior that encourages or contributes to excessive alcohol consumption is prohibited. Binge drinking is strictly forbidden. Persons consuming alcohol may only drink in moderation and may not consume anything classified as an energy substance while drinking alcohol in residence hall rooms or apartments. Drinking games and activities (i.e. beer pong) that may promote the irresponsible use of alcohol are prohibited.
Alcohol paraphernalia such as taps and funnels are not permitted. Alcohol containers of any kind are not allowed in rooms registered to students under 21 years of age; in rooms where alcohol is allowed, any empty alcohol containers must be removed/recycled promptly. Collection of bottle caps or alcohol bottles/cans for display is not permitted. Alcohol promotional/decorative items (beer signs, lamp shades, etc.) are not permitted in any windows, on the outside of room doors, or in public areas.
Alcohol cannot be consumed or carried in any open container (seal broken) in any automobile within the State of New Mexico. On campus, open containers are also prohibited on all University streets, sidewalks, residential hallways, lounges and other pubic areas. In apartments where some assigned residents are 21 years of age and older and others are under 21, no alcoholic beverages shall be kept in common areas or appliances.
Students and guests who refuse to recognize and obey the authority of Residential Life Staff or Campus Police Officers risk criminal charges and campus judicial action. If off-campus guests are in violation of Residential Life policies, they may be banned from visiting University residences.
When persons are found to be in violations of this policy, the following can occur:
- All alcohol (open or unopened) may be confiscated and/or disposed of.
- Campus Police will be contacted to evaluate the situation and determine if criminal charges are warranted.
- Non-residents of the bedroom/apartment may immediately be removed.
- In addition to any reports from Campus Police, a Residential Life Incident Report will be filed with Residential Life and The Dean of Students or Dean of Graduate Studies.
- A conduct meeting will be held for any students involved to decide what disciplinary sanctions should be issued.
Alterations, Furniture & Damage
Personalizing your living space is an important part of making your University residence your home. However, residents are not permitted to put nails, staples, duct tape or holes in walls (ask our staff for recommendations on appropriate methods to hang items on walls.) Please be advised that you may not make any permanent alterations to University rooms or furniture unless approved by Residential Life.
Many residence hall beds have the capability to be bunked. However, you may not construct a loft for your bed. Students are not allowed to paint, alter, repair or remodel any room or public area in a residence hall or apartment without prior approval from Residential Life. Rearranging University furniture in your room must be in accordance with manufacture use.
You may not have any heavy or oversized furniture in your room. This includes but is not limited to a waterbed, any furniture containing liquid, wood structures or bars. The common furniture is for all residents in your residence. Borrowing or taking furniture is considered theft. Do not remove common furnishings from designated areas. If furniture is missing from common areas, the wing, hall or apartment will be charged for replacement. Residents are prohibited from vandalizing, damaging or destroying property of the University or other students. Time and labor to address damages or unauthorized changes will be charged to the applicable residents of the residence. Damages in your room or apartment which are not listed in your room condition report at check in will be billed to you after your check out.
Assistance Animals in University Housing
New Mexico Tech is committed to allowing individuals with disabilities the use of service animals on campus to facilitate their full participation and equal access to the University’s programs and activities. Service animals, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), are dogs or miniature horses that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Other species of animals are not service animals. By law, a service animal is generally allowed in all public areas as long as the animal is under the control of its owner. Service animals are not pets. To respect the rights and privacy of people with disabilities, federal law only permits the University to ask if a service animal is required because of a disability, as well as what work or task the dog has been trained to perform. Individuals do not have to provide documentation of their disabilities, proof that service animals have been trained, or place special vests on their service animal.
Owners of service animals are responsible for: the well-being of the service animal as well as the cost of any damages as a result of the service animal; the immediate clean-up and proper disposal of all waste of the animal; the control of the service animal at all times; and the harnessing, leashing, or tethering the service animal, unless an individual’s disability precludes the use of a restraint or if the restraint would interfere with the service animal's safe, effective performance of work or tasks. Service animal may be excluded from campus under the following circumstances: the animal is disruptive and not effectively controlled; the presence of the service animal would fundamentally change the nature of a job, service, or activity; the service animal’s presence, behavior, or actions pose an unreasonable or direct threat to property and/or the health or safety of others; or the service animal is not housebroken.
In addition to honoring the rights individuals with service animals, the Office of Residential Life & Conference Services recognizes the broader category of “assistance animals” as defined by the Fair Housing Act. By law, Assistance animal means any service animal, as defined above, as well as any animal needed for emotional support. Some assistance animals are professionally trained, but in other cases assistance animals provide the necessary support to individuals with disabilities without any formal training or certification.
Dogs are commonly used as assistance animals, but according federal law and related guidance, any animal may serve a person with a disability as an assistance animal. Assistance animals that are not also considered service animal can benefit individuals with disabilities but do not accompany those individuals at all times. Assistance animals are not pets. It is important to note that animals that may be needed because of a disability may be identified by various names. For example, an individual may identify the animal as a companion animal, therapy animal, or emotional support animal.
Although individuals are generally prohibited from having animals of any type in University housing, an individual may keep an assistance animal as an accommodation in University housing if: the individual is disabled; the animal is necessary to afford the individual an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling or perform the necessary duties of a job; and there is an identifiable relationship between the disability and the assistance the animal provides. However, no assistance animals (other than those also meeting the ADA definition of service animals) may be kept in University housing at any time prior to the individual receiving approval for the assistance animal as a reasonable accommodation.
The procedure for requesting occupancy with an assistance animal follows the general procedures set forth in the “Accommodations for Residents with Disabilities” section of these Community Standards. The University’s Office of Counseling & Disability Services will consult with Residential Life in making a determination on a case-by-case basis of whether the presence of any assistance animal is reasonable. The University reserves the right to inform Residential Life staff as well as Campus Police and Facilities Management personnel about the presence of any permitted assistance animal in University housing. Such information shall be limited to information related to the animal and shall not include information related to any individual’s disability.
As with service animals, individuals are responsible for the control, care, and supervision of any permitted assistance animals at all times. Any approved assistance animal must be contained within the specifically assigned University residence of its owner (e.g., that resident’s room, suite, or apartment) except to the extent the individual is taking the animal out for natural relief. When an assistance animal is outside the assigned individual living accommodations, it must be in an animal carrier or controlled by a leash or harness. Assistance animals (other than those also meeting the ADA definition of service animals) are not allowed in any University facilities other than the University residence hall or apartment to which the individual is assigned.
The assistance animal must be properly housed and restrained or otherwise under the dominion and control of its owner at all times. No owner shall permit an animal to go loose. If an animal is found loose or running at large, the animal is subject to capture and confinement and immediate removal from University housing. The owner is required to clean up after and properly dispose of the animal’s waste in a safe and sanitary manner. The owner is required to ensure the animal is well cared for at all times. The University will not require a resident with a disability to pay a fee or surcharge for an approved assistance animal; however, residents may be charged for any damage caused by his or her assistance animal beyond reasonable wear and tear. Assistance animals may not be left overnight in University Housing to be cared for by any individual other than the owner. The owner is responsible for ensuring that the assistance animal is contained, as appropriate, when the owner is not present during the day while attending classes or other activities. An assistance animal is allowed in University housing only as long as it is necessary because of the owner’s disability. The owner must notify the Office of Counseling and Disability Services if the Assistance animal is no longer needed or is no longer in residence. The University may require an individual to remove an assistance animal from University housing if: 1) the animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others or causes substantial property damage to the property of others; 2) the animal’s presence results in a fundamental alteration of a University program; 3) the owner does not comply with the owner’s responsibilities set forth above; or 4) the animal or its presence creates an unmanageable disturbance or interference with the university community.
Individuals with assistance animals, including service animals as defined by the ADA, must follow all requirements mandated by law. No person may own, possess or keep any dog or cat within the City of Socorro unless such animal is vaccinated and licensed, as specified by local ordinance, or has a current vaccination and is validly licensed by the city or another municipality within the State of New Mexico. It is a violation of New Mexico State law to falsely present an animal as a qualified service animal (NM Stat § 28-11-6).
Biking, Skating & Recreation
Biking and skating of any kind is prohibited inside University residences, including within all lounges, balconies, indoor and outdoor hallways, and other common areas. Outside bike racks are available in each residential area. Bicycles should not be stored inside apartments or bedrooms with the exception of extended breaks (e.g. winter break and spring break) when inside storage of bicycles may be permitted. Cleaning and repair costs to tile floors, carpets, and walls caused by rubber wheels or tires will be charged to the student or students responsible. In cases where it has not been determined who is responsible for damage, community damage billing may be used. The kicking or throwing of balls or the use of any other recreational items intended for gymnasium or outdoor use is not allowed inside residence halls or apartment complexes.
Hypodermic needles and any other substances/items deemed to be biohazardous must be disposed of in a safe and proper manner. Disposing of hypodermic needles or any biohazardous material in public trash receptacles or dumpsters is strictly prohibited. Residents using sharps containers or otherwise in need of assistance disposing of medical waste are encouraged to contact Tech’s Student Heath Center: 575.835.5094.
Campus Emergencies & Urgent Matters
In case of a medical emergency, active security threat, or eminent danger of any kind, please call the Emergency Line for Campus Police immediately at 575.835.5555.
If you do not have an emergency, but need assistance you can:
- Try to find an RA
- Call Campus Police’s non-emergency line at 575.835.5434 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
- Call or visit the Residential Life Office 575-835-5900 (8:00am – 5:00pm, Monday – Friday)
Contacting a Resident Assistant
Please note the Campus Police Dispatch line (575.835.5434) is available as an easy way for a resident to reach an RA on Duty. There is an RA on Duty to help residents every evening and throughout the weekend. If you have an urgent maintenance issue or other problem, or even if you just need to talk to someone, you can reach the RA on Duty by contacting Campus Police. If you have a specific problem, please let the dispatcher know what it is. If you just need to talk, you may let the dispatcher know you wish to speak with an RA directly.
The University provides no supervisory personnel for children in Family Housing. The registered student is responsible for the supervision and safety of his/her dependants at all times and in all areas of campus. If children are disruptive or continually bother other residents, Residential Life should be notified to address the situation.
Residential Life staff will communicate with residents in various ways including telephone, email and in person. The most prevalent and frequent form of communication is email sent to students’ student.nmt.edu addresses. Residents should check their NMT email regularly to be aware of important information disseminated from Residential Life and other University departments.
Controlled Substances/Illegal Drugs & Paraphernalia
New Mexico state law and University policy strictly prohibits the use, possession and/or distribution of illegal drugs and associated paraphernalia. The misuse of prescription medicine or other drugs in or around the residence hall/apartment communities will also not be tolerated. Anyone found to be in violation of this policy is subject to criminal and/or disciplinary action including dismissal from University Housing. New Mexico Tech does not honor medical marijuana cards and the use of marijuana for medicinal or other purposes is strictly prohibited in the residence halls, apartments, or elsewhere on campus. Please refer to the University Student Handbook for more information.
Courtesy Hours & Quiet Hours
Students' right to quiet study, sleep and privacy in University housing is important and must be respected. “Courtesy Hours” are in effect 24 hours a day. This means at no time should noise in apartments or residence halls reach a level that disturbs other members of the community. Specific quiet hours are set to ensure an academic atmosphere.
Quiet hours are 10:00pm until 8:00am Sunday through Thursday and midnight until 10:00am Friday and Saturday. Noise that is determined by the Residential Life staff to be excessive or disturbing will not be tolerated. Please respect and be courteous of other students' rights to a quiet environment. Baca Hall has 24-hour quiet hours.
Residential Life is committed to the educational mission of the University in fostering a safe and inclusive learning environment. Any known threats to the physical and/or psychological welfare of our residents will be addressed by professional staff. Conduct which creates an unnecessary risk of physical harm to self or others, or actions which disrupt the life of the academic and/or residential community, will not be tolerated. Welfare concerns may be reported to the Dean of Students, the Dean of Graduate Studies and/or the University’s Behavioral Intervention Team. Residential Life Staff will decide what type of response is appropriate on a case- by-case basis. Students are encouraged to report any potentially harmful situations or individuals.
Filming, Photographing & Recording
Residential Life expects students and their guests to respect the reasonable expectations of privacy of other individuals within the residential community. Within any University residence hall or student apartment complex, students and their guests are not permitted to photograph others or to make or attempt to make an audio or video recording of any conversations, informal gatherings, and/or meetings without the knowledge and consent of all participants subject to such recordings. The use of undisclosed or hidden recording devices is strictly prohibited, as is the transmission and/or distribution of any such recordings. Permission to film/record in University residences may be granted in certain circumstances and in certain locations with prior permission from Residential Life.
Fire Safety
Fire safety awareness, education and compliance are essential for maintaining a safe and comfortable environment to live and learn. Regardless of the frequency of alarms, participation in evacuation procedures is mandatory. Failure to comply may result in dismissal from the residence halls. Unannounced fire drills will be conducted in all residences at least five times per year, except in family housing apartments where there will be at least one drill each semester. Evacuation procedures are posted conspicuously in each residential area. Residential Life or Campus Police staff may open rooms during drills to verify evacuation.
All students and guests are prohibited from: intentionally setting fires; falsely reporting a fire; removing or discharging fire extinguishers without cause; tampering with safety or fire-fighting equipment; failing to immediately vacate a building at the sound of a fire alarm; hampering fire evacuation or investigation procedures; fastening stair doors, exit doors, or other safety doors in an open position; failing to keep corridors, stairwells, and public areas free of obstacles; using or possessing candles, incense or other items that produce burning embers or flames; using or possessing space heaters or halogen bulbs/lamps; using or possessing electrical appliances or tools with an open or exposed heating element other than those listed as authorized or provided by the University in apartment residences; installing portable air conditioners; using any electrical devices lacking a UL (Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.) rating; using electrical equipment in a manner other than the designed use; hanging items such as decorations from doors, windows or their frames in a manner that may impede exit; covering greater than 25% of any wall or ceiling within a bedroom or common area; covering fire system equipment, bringing “live cut" trees or shrubs (such as Christmas trees) or combustible decorations into residential facilities. Curtains must be flame resistant (per NFPA 701). Upholstered furniture must be flame resistant (labeled CAL 133). Extension cords, multi-plug adapters and plugging one power strip into another one (piggy-backing) are prohibited. Power strips must be UL approved, grounded, 3-prong, 12 or 14-gauge, and equipped with an over current surge protector.
Residents are permitted to have personal refrigerators in their bedrooms, provided the appliance is in good working condition with: a capacity of 6 cubic feet or less and using 3 amperes or below. Residents are permitted to have personal microwaves in their bedrooms, provided the appliance is in good working condition and uses no more than 700 watts. Residents may keep coffee makers as well as irons (for garments or hair) in their bedrooms as long as the devices are attended when in use and unplugged when unattended. Besides the few devices aforementioned in this section, any other small appliance or device that produces heat is not allowed in student bedrooms.
Cooking is prohibited in all student rooms/common areas other than in designated kitchen areas in some halls and in apartments where cooking is only permitted under the following conditions: All general appliances provided by the University and any smaller appliances brought in by residents are only to be used for their intended purposes. Stove, ovens and microwaves should NEVER be used when unattended. Residents who don’t use appliances in an appropriate manner may lose the use of University-furnished appliances or they may be directed to remove certain appliances. If a Residential Life staff member deems any appliance or other item in a building to present a danger, residents may be asked to remove it immediately.
The following items are considered fire hazards and are prohibited inside all University residences:
- Barbecues
- Candles (including candle warmers)
- Combustion engines
- Flammable materials such as paint thinner, gasoline or motor oil
- Gasoline or electrical powered vehicles
- Halogen lamps
- Holiday/string lights (unless low wattage, less that 12 watts)
- Hookahs
- Hot plates
- Hot pots
- Incense
- Lava lamps
- Microwaves over 700 watt usage
- Neon signs
- Space heaters (with the exception of those which may be temporarily issued by University staff)
- Stoves (electric, wood, charcoal or gas)
The number of occupants at any time in a double-occupancy bedroom may not exceed 8. The number of occupants at any time in any single-occupancy bedroom may not exceed 4. The number of occupants at any time in any apartment may not exceed the number of residents assigned to that living unit, plus two guests each. In special circumstances, exceptions may be made as allowed by Residential Life if permitted by fire safety officials.
Residents are encouraged to confront individuals disregarding the Fire Safety Policy and bring violations to the attention of Residential Life Staff promptly.
Any wagering involving the exchange of money or goods is prohibited in University residences or elsewhere on campus.
Guest Policy
All guests on campus at any time must conform to all University regulations. Those who do not will be required to leave. In the event of law violation or noncompliance with a request to leave, he/she shall be considered a trespasser and Campus Police will be notified.
A guest is any person other than a registered resident of the University residence hall or apartment building in which that person is located. Guests must have a valid form of picture ID (drivers license, school ID, etc) in their possession while in any University residence.
Permission must be secured from each resident of a room/apartment before a guest may remain. An overnight guest is any person who is not a resident of the residential area they are visiting and who visits/remains in the building between midnight and 7am regardless of whether they plan to sleep during the stay.
All non-residents must be escorted by a resident at all times. At no time is a non-resident allowed to walk through any hallways, lounges, or other public areas of a residence without being in the company of the host he/she is visiting.
Any overnight guest may not stay longer than two consecutive nights or five nights per month in the traditional residence halls, unless authorized by Residential Life. In apartments, each guest is limited to two overnight visits with within a 7-day period. The maximum number of overnight guests in any individual student room is limited to two.
Guests less than 17 years of age must be directly related to their host and must obtain permission from the Residential Life Office prior to their arrival.
At no time is it acceptable that a resident be deprived of sleep, privacy or study accommodations due to the presence of another’s guest. Students who are banned from New Mexico Tech are not allowed to be in/around any University residences including student apartments. Residential Life Staff have full authority to limit guests in a room, reject guests, or dismiss guests, if, in their judgment, the health and safety of students is being jeopardized and/or reasonable standards of behavior are being violated.
Inappropriate Material
Pornographic or X-rated materials (movies, literature, and videos) are prohibited in public areas of all residence halls and apartments. No pornographic pictures are allowed to be displayed on room doors facing the hallways or facing out your windows. Culturally insensitive or offensive material will not be tolerated. Please don’t display inappropriate or objectionable window or door decorations. Residential Life Staff has full and ultimate authority to order the removal of any materials deemed inappropriate in the residential community.
Residents in halls with community kitchens are expected to use the privilege with care and consideration. Students using community kitchen areas are responsible for cleaning the area and any appliances or utensils they may use. Food left in community refrigerators may be disposed of without notice. If kitchen areas are not kept clean, the privilege will be revoked. RAs in buildings with kitchens may set up a cleaning schedule to ensure regular and proper cleaning of these areas.
Personal Property
The University will make every reasonable effort to protect the personal property of residents, but will not be liable for articles lost, stolen, or damaged by fire, water, heat and/or natural disasters. Students can register bicycles and other valuables with Campus Police. Residents are also encouraged to consult their or their parents' home owner's insurance policy and/or consider purchasing renter's insurance to cover potential loss or damage to personal property. For more information on the limitation of University liability, refer to the Residential Life Room & Board Application and License Agreement.
No pets of any kind, including fish, are allowed in any of the residence halls or apartments. No exceptions are made to this policy regardless of the pet size or emotional relation. This policy is strictly enforced. Violation of this policy may result in dismissal from the residence halls or apartments.
Service animals and therapy animals will be permitted for residents with approved medical documentation and/or as required by law. Service or therapy animals that are found to be aggressive, create a nuisance or sanitation concern, or threaten the safety of others will not be allowed to remain on campus. Guests are not permitted to bring pets into University residences. Failure in the timely removal of any pet (as determined by Residential Life staff) may result in the enlisting of Campus Police or animal control services.
Any publicity in residential areas should be on a bulletin board or bedroom/apartment entry doors. Publicity is not permitted on walls, windows, or other doors unless special permission is granted by Residential Life in advance. Advertising for events involving the sale of alcohol or other drugs is prohibited. All publicity must be submitted to the Residential Life Office for approval before posting.
Open restrooms that are designated for a specific gender should only be entered and used by persons of that gender or gender identity. When University staff needs to enter a restroom designated for another gender for service, cleaning or inspection, the restroom may not be used by others and will be considered closed until the staff exits. Residents who may have concerns or questions about restroom access for themselves or others are encouraged to contact their Resident Assistant or Residential Life professional staff.
Room Changes & Consolidation
Residents are not allowed to change rooms without prior authorization from Residential Life. Students with roommate conflicts should first address the situation with their Resident Assistant. If no solution is agreed upon, the conflict will be referred to a Residential Life Coordinator or other professional staff. Residents with permission to change rooms must not relocate until Residential Life Staff properly checks them in to their new room.
When residents are not assigned a roommate or their roommate vacates the room, Residential Life will present remaining occupants several options: Residents can pay for a super-single room, find someone to move in, or move in with someone else. Should residents choose to be consolidated, Residential Life will provide them with names and contact information for other students in a similar situation. Residents who do not wish to pay for a super single room and do not find someone to move in with them may be required to move.
Room Condition & Sanitation
Students are responsible for maintaining sanitary and orderly conditions in their assigned University rooms and apartments to prevent pests and fire hazards. Limited quantities of food may be kept in student rooms (in closed containers or refrigerators). If a student room presents a health or sanitation problem (as determined by Residential Life or other University staff), the offending students may be relocated or removed. Students may be billed at any time if Residential Life or other University personnel deem it necessary to order professional cleaning or repairs in any student bedroom or apartment.
Room Inspection & Entry
Students in University residence halls and apartments can expect reasonable privacy of their room and belongings. However, rooms may be entered and inspected by Residential Life and other University personnel under specific conditions including, but not limited to: cases of emergency; need for repairs; and health & safety inspections. The University reserves the right to inspect and search individual rooms in cases where there is reasonable cause to believe the occupant has property which is prohibited or in violation of University regulations or local/state/federal laws. The University also reserves the right to enter and inspect students’ rooms and apartments for purposes of inventory, fire protection, sanitation, safety, maintenance and policy enforcement. This right is exercised with care and discretion.
Notice will be posted at least 48 hours before Residential Life staff enters rooms for periodic (non-emergency) health & safety inspections. While recommended, it is not necessary for a resident to be present at the time of room inspections or maintenance. Compliance checks during fire drills may also warrant entry and inspection. Rooms may be entered for the purpose of determining if all residents have evacuated. If an occupant is not present, University personnel will enter with another staff member or resident whenever possible. If a violation of University policy or Residential Life Community Standards is observed during room inspections, the students registered to and/or visiting the room or apartment involved will be documented. Any observed prohibited items may be removed. Residents who are found to be in violation of the Room Condition & Sanitation Policy [above] will be issued a notice which will include a date by which the resident(s) must clean or otherwise correct the living conditions in their assigned residence. Students who fail to take acceptable corrective action on time may be billed for any cleaning or repairs ordered.
Room Occupancy and Vacancy
When checking in to their registered bedroom and/or apartment, each resident must sign a room condition record which establishes the student’s acceptance of the recorded conditions of the room/residence and contents at the time of occupancy and, therefore, becomes that standard for the condition of the room and contents at the termination of occupancy. Residents are liable for damages or other loss incurred to the building, room, furniture and equipment which are not the result of ordinary wear and tear, including and damages caused by guests. Damage within student rooms is the responsibility of the assigned residents. Damages or other loss incurred to pubic areas (e.g., restrooms, lounges, study rooms, laundry areas, hallways, balconies, etc.) that are not attributable or chargeable to a specific individual or group shall be equally shared by the residents of the living area where those damages occur.
When a resident checks into an apartment it is expected that the apartment will be clean and welcoming for them to move into. If there are current occupants from previous semesters staying in that apartment it is their responsibility to clean all common areas of the apartment before new residents move in.
Residence Halls are closed in between semesters and residents are not allowed to stay in the halls during these breaks. Students registered to return for the following semester may stay in University apartments during recesses.
Residents not returning for the following semester are expected to vacate their rooms within 24 hours of their last final, but no later than the end of finals week. Departing residents must schedule a check-out time with their RA at least 24 hours ahead of time.
All access cards are encoded to expire at noon the Saturday after finals (5pm Friday for the end of the summer term). Returning residents authorized to stay in University apartments between semesters can come to Residential Life during finals week to get their card access extended.
Students must be checked out in accordance with these and any other published check-out procedures distributed by and available at the Office of Residential Life. Failure to do so will result in a $50 fee for improper check-out. In addition, the Student will be assessed charges for failure to turn in a key and/or for cleaning and damages at check-out/upon vacancy. Abandoned property with an estimated value of less than
$100 will be disposed of immediately after check-out. Abandoned property with an estimated value greater than $100 will be stored for thirty days. Storage and disposal fees will be charged to the student’s account.
Screens, Windows, Balconies, Landings & Ledges
Screens must remain on windows at all times. All permanently sealed windows must remain closed to regulate energy efficiency and ensure safety. Throwing any object out of a window or off any balcony or landing is strictly prohibited. Clothing, banners, flags, or lights may not be hung or posted on the outside of the buildings without written and advance authorization from Residential Life. Personal items are not permitted to be kept on outside windowsills, balconies, landings, ledges or porches. For safety and maintenance reasons, no student is allowed on any ledge for any purpose.
Sexual Misconduct
New Mexico Tech is committed to maintaining a healthy and safe learning, living, and working environment which promotes responsibility, dignity, and respect for all persons. Sexual harassment, sexual violence, and all forms of gender- and sex-based discrimination are strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Residential Life supports the rights of all students to live in an environment free from sexual coercion and violence. Sexual contact with another person by force or otherwise without consent violates the standards of civility and respect expected from residents and ALL members of our campus community.
Working with the campus community and others, Residential Life endeavors to provide resources for prevention, education and support for our students. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault or harassment, we encourage you to speak with a Resident Assistant or a professional Residential Life staff member. Please note, our staff is mandated to report violations of Title IX (Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, which protects people from discrimination based on sex) to the University’s Title IX Coordinator. All information regarding a victim’s identity will be handled with extreme sensitivity and protection. You may also speak confidentially with a counselor at the Counseling & Disabilities Office on the 1st floor of Fidel.
For a comprehensive guide to the University’s Sexual Misconduct Reporting Procedures please click the on-line link “NMT Sexual Assault Reporting Procedures."
Solicitation & Commerce
Students and their guests are prohibited from conducting any business for profit within any University residence hall or student apartment complex. Door-to-door solicitation of funds, products, or services is not permitted in University residences. If a student wants to invite an individual to demonstrate or sell various items in residential areas, permission must be obtained from the Residential Life Office. Fundraisers sponsored by campus organizations are permitted in residences only when authorized by Residential Life Office in advance. Any unauthorized or nuisance solicitation should be reported to the Residential Life Staff promptly.
Residents are not permitted to smoke in any residential facility. Smoking is only permitted on campus in designated smoking areas. Smoking of tobacco or other products, as well as use of electronic cigarettes/vapor pens, is prohibited within 25 feet of all University buildings. Areas where smoking is prohibited include all bedrooms, apartment, lounges, stairwells, fully/partially enclosed walkways/corridors and elevators.
Each residence hall and apartment complex has one or more outdoor dumpsters available to residents for refuse. Smaller trash receptacles located in and around residences are available for pedestrian trash only and should not be used by residents to remove large amounts of trash from their rooms. Residents are expected to properly remove trash from their rooms and apartments on a regular basis.
Violence/Fighting/Threat and Intimidation
No person shall take any action, create or participate in the creation of any situation which involves acts of manipulation, verbal threats, mistreatments, causing emotional trauma, placing a reasonable person in fear, holding someone against his/her will, bodily injury, or the use of physical means to initiate or resolve conflict. Any action of this nature cannot be tolerated. Any person willingly engaging in such activity may be immediately dismissed from University housing. If it is determined that both parties were willing participants, then, both may be dismissed. Students should immediately report acts of threat or intimidation to Campus Police and/or Residential Life.
Explosives, firearms, fireworks, flares, ammunition, bows/arrows, tools of the martial arts, gunpowder, air soft guns, paintball guns, paintball ammunition, large knives (6”or longer), swords and any other objects deemed dangerous are prohibited in University housing. Residential Life and Campus Police have full discretion to determine what items may be permitted or confiscated in University residences. If weapons or explosives of any kind are found in a room, they will be confiscated by law enforcement. Anyone having any of the above mentioned items will be subject to immediate removal from University housing. Nerf guns are permitted on campus but they may not be discharged within 50 feet of a residential building.
Violation of Residential Life Community Standards
Students found to be in violation of Residential Life Community Standards will be documented and may be required to meet with Residential Life staff or other University officials to discuss their conduct. Current and past infractions will be taken into consideration when determining appropriate sanctions. In all disciplinary cases, the primary objectives are educating residents and protecting the college community. One or more sanctions may be issued to violators. Sanctions are designed to evoke a change in attitude and/or behavior. Sanctions may include:
Verbal Warning
This is a statement from the Residential Life Director, Dean of Students, Dean of Graduate Studies or their designee that actions of a resident or resident’s guest were not acceptable and subsequent infractions will result in more severe action.
Letter of Warning
This letter is a formal written statement that actions of a resident or resident’s guest were not acceptable and subsequent infractions will result in more severe action.
Educational Session/Assignment
Attending an educational session may be imposed in lieu of, or addition to, other sanctions given (e.g. alcohol/ drug education class). Assignment of a task which is educational in nature and appropriate to the violation (e.g. letter of apology for offensive behavior) may also be issued. Failure to complete the educational session or assignment will result in the initiation of further disciplinary action.
Community Service Project
Students may be required to initiate and complete a supervised project on campus or in the community. Assignment of terms and number of hours will be assigned by Residential Life, the Dean of Students, Dean of Graduate Studies or their designee.
Penalty Fee/Fines
Payment of a penalty fee for services or violations will be billed directly to the student's account.
This is a direct payment for theft or damage to property. The restitution should not exceed the cost of replacing or restoring the property and/or labor costs of replacement.
Residential Life serves the right to exclude those persons whose behavior is determined to be detrimental to the well being of the apartment/residence hall community or incompatible with its function as part of an educational institution. If a student is excluded from University housing, they may not enter or be in the immediate vicinity of the residence halls/apartments. If they are caught violating this exclusion, Campus Police will be contacted and further disciplinary action may follow such as fines or trespassing charges being filed.
Students who do not reside in University housing are also subject to exclusion if their behavior disrupts the educational mission of the community.
Residents dismissed for policy violations forfeit their deposit and my be subject to additional penalties for damages and cleaning. Dismissed residents do not receive any refund of housing cost regardless of when the dismissal took place. In the event a student has been dismissed from University housing, they may continue to participate in the meal plan program, unless circumstances warrant dismissal from the meal plan.
Expulsion terminates a resident’s academic program and his/her right to future enrollment. A student who has been expelled may not attend University functions, or visit the campus. Refunds for tuition and/or room and board will not be issued.
Appeal, Grievance, and Complaint Resolution
The Residential Life appeal, grievance, and complaint resolution procedure is available to any resident for resolution of any disagreement or concern arising from the Residential Life policies or procedures.
The resident must initiate the appeal, grievance, or complaint by discussing the problem or disagreement with the Residential Life Office within ten (10) working days of the event upon which the appeal and/or grievance is based.
If the student and the Residential Life Office are unable to resolve the appeal or grievance to the satisfaction of the student, the student may discuss the appeal or grievance with the Director of Auxiliary Services within five (5) working days of meeting with the Residential Life Office. The employee, Residential Life, and Auxiliary Services should make every effort to reach an appropriate resolution.
Within five (5) working days of the meeting with the Director of Auxiliary Services, the student may submit the unresolved grievance in writing to the Vice President of Student Life. The written appeal or grievance must include a description of the event(s) giving rise to the grievance and a statement of the resolution requested.
The Vice President of Student Life will investigate the details of the grievance and will submit a written response to the student within ten (10) working days of receiving the written grievance.
Please follow the proper chain of command:
Disciplinary Appeals:
- Director of Residential Life
- Dean of Students/Vice President of Student Life (or Graduate Studies Dean)
- President
Non-Disciplinary Appeals (charges, damages, etc.):
- Director of Residential Life
- Director of Auxiliary Services
- Dean of Students/Vice President of Student Life